Thriving in the Third Trimester: Essential Science-Backed Nutrient Recommendations for Trimester 3

As you approach the final stretch of your pregnancy, it's important to continue nourishing your body with essential nutrients to support both you and your baby. In Trimester 3, focusing on probiotic-rich foods, dried dates, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron can be extremely beneficial. Today we'll share key nutritional recommendations for this stage and discuss how Ellement's personalized prenatal supplements can further support your needs.

  1. Probiotic-Rich, Fermented Foods for Digestive Health:
    Incorporate probiotic-rich, fermented foods into your diet to support digestion and the microbiome. Try options like sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, kefir, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and natto. These foods contain beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut, which is important for overall well-being. Clinical studies have even shown a reduced risk of preterm labor associated with fermented food consumption.

  2. Dried Dates: Shortening Labor Time and Supporting Cervix:
    In your last month of pregnancy, consider adding dried dates to your diet. Some clinical studies have shown that eating 4-6 dried dates each day during this period can support favorable birth outcomes, including shorter labor time and improved cervical readiness. Incorporate this natural fruit into your daily routine for potential benefits during childbirth.

  3. Omega-3 for Baby's Brain Development:
    Continue prioritizing omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, for your baby's brain development. Include low-mercury fish options such as anchovies, cod, sardines, herring, canned light tuna, and wild-caught salmon in your diet 2-3 times per week. For plant-based choices, incorporate chia seeds, soybeans, seaweed, and walnuts. These sources provide essential omega-3 fatty acids that contribute to your baby's neurological development.

  4. Iron-Rich Foods: Supporting Increasing Blood Supply:
    Support your increasing blood supply and prevent iron deficiency by incorporating iron-rich foods into your diet. Include beans, beef, lentils, spinach, tofu, kidney beans, sardines, chickpeas, tomatoes, potatoes, and dark chocolate. Boost iron absorption by including vitamin C sources like lemon, orange, or other citrus fruits with your iron-rich meals.

  5. Continue Taking Ellement Prenatal Supplements:
    Remember to take your Ellement prenatal supplements daily, as directed. These personalized supplements are designed to provide comprehensive support for your specific nutritional needs during pregnancy. Share any wellness issues or relevant changes you experience, as Ellement can make necessary adjustments to your supplement packs if needed.

As you enter trimester 3, focusing on key nutrients is crucial for a strong finish to your pregnancy journey. Incorporate probiotic-rich, fermented foods, dried dates, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron-rich foods into your diet. These nutrients support your digestion, cervix, baby's brain development, and increasing blood supply. Continue taking your Ellement prenatal supplements to ensure comprehensive support tailored to your specific needs. Nourish your body, embrace the final stage, and prepare for the joyous arrival of baby!


Recovery & Well-being: Nutrient Recommendations for Postpartum


Nourishing Mama and Baby: Essential Science-Backed Nutrient Recommendations for Trimester 2